As long as world countries and leaders contribute money and support to the Arabs who promote hate and commit terror and violence, the terror hate and violence will continue - YJ Draiman
As long as world countries
and leaders contribute money and support to the Arabs who promote hate and
commit terror and violence, the terror hate and violence will continue.
As long as you treat Mahmmoud
Abbas aka Abu Mazen as a leader of the Arab Palestinians and not as a terrorist
criminal (who has a murder conviction and an escapee from justice) who promotes
and incites hate, violence and terror, the violence and terror will continue.
Stop deluding yourselves that these Arabs are anything but terrorists who seek
to destroy Israel and
anyone who is not like them.
Mahmmoud Abbas and his Arab
Palestinian authority are a terrorist entity and anyone who condones them is
supporting terror and violence. Mahmmoud Abbas is a convicted murderer who is
an escaped convict and belongs in Jail. Stop patronizing Abbas and start
applying what he deserves, to be put in jail. He gladly admitted for sponsoring
the Munich
massacre and other terror acts. Abbas is playing the peace game as long as he can
milk the nations of the world for billions of dollars and running a dictatorial
terrorist entity.
The Arab PA is no different
than Hamas in Gaza and
Hezbollah in Lebanon they
are terrorist organizations.
There never was and will
never be a second Arab-Palestinian State West of the Jordan
River ; they have Jordan
which is Jewish territory.
Anyone who thinks about putting another terrorist entity in Judea and Samaria aka West Bank , needs to have his head examined, this
type of thinking is an insidious delusion and any government considering such a proposal must be replaced.
Such a move is suicidal to Israel especially
in view of the results from Gaza ,
with thousands of rockets attacking Israel . Judea and Samaria is
Jewish territory no concession of this territory is permitted. Israel is a
sovereign country and Israel does
not need anybody’s consent to apply its sovereignty to Judea and Samaria . Israel must
expedite building housing, industry and roads in Judea and Samaria . No
country has the right to interfere and or dictate to Israel how
to conduct its internal affairs and or its safety and security. All
Archaeological in Israel
confirm the history of the Jewish people in the land of Israel and there
are no such archaeological findings and evidence about the Arab Palestinians.
The Arab Palestinians have no coinage, pottery and any history that validates
their fictitious claims.
Let the Arab-Palestinians in
Judea and Samaria relocate to Jordan or the homes and territory of over 120,000
sq. km the Arab countries confiscated from the over a million Jewish families
they terrorized and expelled from the Arab countries and assets confiscated in
the trillions of dollars.
The Arab-Palestinian
Authority with its leader Mahmmoud Abbas aka Abu Mazen the convicted murderer
is a terrorist organization, just like Hamas and Hezbollah.
YJ Draiman
U.S. must start by ending American occupation of American Indian and Mexican Lands, plus European occupation of other countries land.
ReplyDeleteHistorically “The Land of Israel” is Jewish Land for about four thousand years and any foreign power that was there, was an occupier and treated the land as occupied territory abused its resources and turned it into a desolate land. The Jewish people who were there for thousands of years were joined by the Jewish people from the Diaspora and turned the Land of Israel into green pastures and a marvel of innovations in technology and medicine. The Arab/Muslims after WWI received over 12 million sq. km. of territory with a wealth of oil reserves and no-one is questioning their territorial borders. The Jewish people were allocated the territory known as Palestine.
The Arabs expelled over a million Jewish families and confiscated all their assets including homes and over 120,000 sq. km of Jewish owned Real Estate plus Jordan which is Jewish territory. Most of the Jewish families expelled from Arab/Muslim countries were resettled in the Land of Israel.
Op-Ed: Abbas: Paymaster of 1972 Munich Massacre Terrorists and The Achille Lauro hijacking
ReplyDeleteAbbas is proud of his role in the Munich Massacre.
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas financed the Abu Daoud/Black September terror call to murder 11 Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich in 1972. Read the reports, then decide.
Wikipedia reports that:
“As a commander of Black September, Abu Daoud was the mastermind behind the Munich massacre. While he planned the operation, he did not personally take part in it. The day before the operation commenced on 5 September 1972, Abu Daoud briefed the assassination squad and issued final instructions over dinner in a restaurant at the Munich railway station. . .
"The Munich massacre was an attack during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, West Germany, targetting 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team, who were taken hostage and eventually killed. . . Shortly after the crisis began, they demanded the release of 234 prisoners held in Israeli jails. . .
"The following Israeli Olympians were murdered either by the terrorists themselves or in the attempt to free them: Moshe Weinberg (age 33, wrestling coach); Yossef Romano (age 32, weightlifter); Ze'ev Friedman (age 28, weightlifter); David Berger (age 28, weightlifter); Yakov Springer (age 51, weightlifting judge); Eliezer Halfin (age 24, wrestler); Yossef Gutfreund (age 40, wrestling referee); Kehat Shorr (age 53, shooting coach); Mark Slavin (age 18, wrestler); Andre Spitzer (age 27, fencing coach); and Amitzur Shapira (age 40, track coach).
"In 1999, Daoud published “Memoirs of a Palestinian Terrorist,” in which Daoud describes how he planned and executed the 1972 Olympic attack where 11 Israeli athletes were murdered. In 1999, Abu Daoud was awarded the Palestinian Prize for Culture for his book "Memoirs of a Palestinian Terrorist," for which he received 10,000 French Francs as prize money.”
Despite having published his own public confession of the Munich terror attack, Daoud was not assassinated by Israel.
“According to Ankie Spitzer, widow of fencing coach Andre, ‘He [Abu Daoud] didn't pay the price for what he did.’
In 2006, Abu Daoud gave several personal interviews after the release of the Steven Spielberg film ‘Munich’ revived discussions of the massacre. Abu Daoud remained unrepentant regarding his role in the Munich attacks, stating on Germany's Spiegel TV, ‘I regret nothing. You can only dream that I would apologize.’
In an Associated Press interview, he [Abu Daoud] legitimized the operation given its success, declaring, ‘Before Munich, we were simply terrorists. After Munich, at least people started asking who are these terrorists? What do they want? Before Munich, nobody had the slightest idea about Palestine.’
Shortly before Daoud's death, he said in a farewell statement to Israelis, ‘Today, I cannot fight you anymore, but my grandson will and his grandson too.’
Abu Daoud died on 3 July 2010 in Damascus, Syria, of natural causes of kidney failure at the age of 73.”
Abu Daoud legitimized the operation given its success, declaring, ‘Before Munich, we were simply terrorists. After Munich, at least people started asking who are these terrorists? What do they want? Before Munich, nobody had the slightest idea about Palestine.’
Mahmoud Abbas the convicted terrorist
ReplyDeleteAbu Mazen. Mahmoud Abbas (a.k.a. Abu Mazen). The leader of the Arab PA, was born in 1935. He was one of the founding members of the ‘Fattah’ and one of the senior-most members of the Arab/Palestinian front. Abbas is also the leader of the Arab Palestinian Authority. He is also the mastermind financier of the Munich Olympic massacre and the hijacking of the cruise ship Achille Lauro his men had killed the wheel chair bound Klinghoffer, they pushed him overboard. There is a criminal conviction against Mahmoud Abbas (a.k.a. Abu Mazen) with life in prison; he is an escaped convict with multiple murders. (There was also a reward for his capture by the German and U.S. authorities).
Mahmoud Abbas aka Abu Mazen has been a part of the Fattah leadership and has helped formulate and finance all of the terror tactics devised by this group and now exported to Islamic terror organizations around the world. These tactics include assassination, plane hijacking, car bombs, and homicide bombers, child soldiers used both in Lebanon and Israel, and hate education. Now, Israeli and Western movers and shakers have been inclined to sacrifice and overlook his 50-year terrorist track record on the altar of delusion and wishful thinking, which has sanctified Oslo and its offshoots (the Hebron and Wye Accords, the Road Map and the Disengagement Plan). A U.S. colloquialism states: “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” Abu Mazen aka Mahmoud Abbas and his colleagues have fooled Israel and the U.S. and others since 1993. Are Israel and the world going to be fooled once again? Mahmoud Abbas aka Abu Mazen declared at his U.N speech in the summer of 2015 that he will not abide by the Terms of the Oslo Accord; therefore, The Oslo Accord is null and void. Israel can now retake full control and sovereignty over Judea and Samaria aka The West Bank.
Abbas incites and promotes terror and violence; he supports suicide bombers and educates the children to hate and violence. Abbas and his people are also stealing hundreds of millions of dollars designated to help the impoverished Arab/Palestinian masses.
YJ Draiman